Emergent Healing

Why do I have Hip Pain?

Emergent Healing Three Prong Massage senior man active fitness hip pain

Hip pain comes from a few potential causes but most obviously it comes from prolonged sitting over time. Most people (including students) sit for the majority of the day:

  • work
  • studies
  • commuting 
  • relaxing
  • traveling, etc.
Emergent Healing Three Prong Massage office hip pain

"Sitting unfortunately is not a passive activity"

and the hips flexors and the gluteal region are utilized the most in this position. As a result this can cause everything from pain to nerve impingement to arthritis or other joint conditions:

  • Hip pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Glute pain
  • ITB pain
  • Piriformis syndrome (sciatica)
  • Neuropathy in the thing
  • Bursitis
  • labrum tears
  • Arthritis in the hip

The most obvious solution, even if it’s not so easily done, is to sit less and stretch more. If you’re already exhibiting symptoms, consider massage, acupuncture, and physical therapy. Other interventions should be consulted with a health professional first as to not aggravate the potential condition.

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