What is Plantar Fasciitis?

According to Mayo Clinic,
Plantar fasciitis is defined as chronic pain in the heel and sole of the foot. Pain can range from soreness to sharp pain particularly with use or pressure on foot.

What are the causes?
This is a condition stereotypically associated with overuse. People who are most susceptible:
- runners, dancers, athlete
- people who stand for a living – chefs, teachers, construction workers, etc.
- being overweight
- Foot malformations – people with flat feet or high arches
- Jaw misalignment
Other causations or Comorbidities:
As bad as it is to experience the pain in the heel or sole of the foot, there are additional variables that can help explain why you’re suffering. What’s going on in the whole lower leg plays a major role is where and why you’re having pain in the foot. Tension in any of these muscles contribute to plantar fasciitis
- calves
- the shins (tibialis anterior and peroneals)
- tibialis posterior
How to address this issue?

Stretching the calves is a great place to start. Slant boards, runners stretch, foam rolling, and against the wall are all viable options. Rolling a ball on the sole of the foot is also a great way to start releasing those muscles in the feet. Massaging and heat are also highly recommended. Lastly, acupuncture is the best intervention and can be remedied in a few visits.